Enjoy Sagwan Commercial Farming in your own 1 Bigha Land on just

Sagwan Plantation Projects in 50 Acres Facilities - Return output after 20 yrs. Approx. 2 CorerRetirement plan- secures your OLD AGE. Provide teak wood plantation with 20 years maintenance Fencing of whole land with bar wire & cemented pillar. Demarcation of individual plot with small cemented pillar. Features - Free hold Plots with Registry and mutation. High Return by investment. Ownership - Freehold Possession - Immediate Farmland - Rs6 00 000 - per Bigha.After Investment on Sagwan Project what will you get 1 Bigha CNT free Registered free hold Plot area-14 400sq.ft. Along with 500 teak wood Plants. Earn Rs 2crores after sold out of 500 teak wood Plants(All legal & Government issues will be solve by the company at the time of sold out). Security Staff & Maintenance for 20 years will maintain by the company. Current Status - Plantation is already done in 10 Acres.



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