Pro.Band seeking Drummer ASAP!

Hi We are a Pro.3 piece Rockabilly Country Band in need of GOOD SOLID HOT Drummer We are based out of Port Lavaca Tx. We have everything Uncle John Needs...Exept Drummer Our old Drummer got very sick and can no longer travel. LISTEN up We are the REAL deal Hard core traveling and WORKING Musicians. Sometimes its Lean Sometimes GREAT...But always working. Dont ask what it pays as it Varies...But we are VERY square dealing old Boys What we make is split 3 ways period Motorhome to travel If you need a babysitter or are faint of heart please dont apply as this life is not for you. Requirments are Small Combo Kit Good working attitude And dedication to being one of the dieing Breed of REAL Working AND traveling musicians Equal oppertunity employer. Smoking Drinking. (within reason is Cool ) If you are a jerk or have an attitude or Drama Please pass us by as we HAVE FUN in life AND our Music. By the way the Bass player and I have been playing 2gether 20 plus years and have our shit 2gether any( Legal) age is ok as we are 50 Plus years old. We are shooting on hitting it again as soon as we find YOU. The name of the Band is Victoria s Secret . You can see us on you tube under Victorias Secret Band. If this sounds like you please contact us ASAP. at billtruett896(at) OR 501-463-0595 Thank You Hope to be hearing from you. Victoria s Secret (Bill Truett)



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