Steeda Mustang Heavy Duty Upper Strut Mounts (11-14)

330.00 New. Asking 225.00. Barely 200 miles were put on these Upper Strut Mounts. No Mounting Hardware.Steeda s Upper Strut Mounts for 2011 Mustang have been tested on several popular race tracks to ensure increased suspension performance along with no increase in NVH. Manufactured from billet aluminum billet steel TIG-welded nickel plated and grade 12.9 hardware.Comes with a fully caged 70mm diameter 7200lb capacity needle roller bearing for long life and incredible strength. Triple sealed to keep out dirt and water. Uses custom made polyurethane bushings to improve suspension compliance while keeping NVH at a minimum. Allows for - 1 degree of camber adjustment.A great upgrade for anyone racing their car running lowering springs or wanting to rid their car of the popping sounds coming from worn factory and inferior aftermarket mounts.Note Does not fit model years before 2011. This kit is designed for 2011 and up Mustangs only.Product BenefitsNo suspension knockback caused by use of spherical bearings found in competitors mounts Precision Tolerance and Fit with the Highest Grade Materials available - 1 degree of camber adjustmentMPN 555-8135 Fitment & Features Manufacturer Steeda Autosports Made in USA YesInstallation Information Tools Required Shop Tools Time of Install About 2 1 2 Hours Level of Difficulty Tech RecommendedPick them up or 45.00 Shipping (They re Heavy )



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