2013 Toyota Tacoma V6

www.marcmotors.com Come take a look at the highly rated 2013 Toyota Tacoma This 4 door 4 passenger truck has not yet reached the 20 000 mile mark. It is ready to deliver many more miles of dependable and pleasurable driving. This truck features 4-wheel drive and a 4 liter 6 cylinder engine that gives plenty of power and still gets good gas mileage. The Tacoma pickup is extremely well-built made for utility and known for reliability. It comes with all the basics you are looking for like power locks and windows air-conditioning Bluetooth USB iPod port and fold-up rear seats. When you step on the gas you will experience smooth acceleration and precision handling. Don t miss out on this incredible truck Contact Aimee Harris or Kevin Mannette at 1-800-292-3325 for more information.



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