Anthony Jerone s School of Dog Training and Career Inc. -

Next Class Starts on January 6th 2014 ANTHONY JERONE Recognized and Applauded by Mayor Bloomberg Mayor Giuliani Mayor Dinkins Mayor Koch Over 40 years Experience. Anthony Jerone s School of Dog Training & Career Inc. is Licensed by the New York State Bureau of Education to train people to become a certified animal behavior consultant certified animal behavior specialist and a certified master dog trainer. It is the only school that provides both the educational programs for dogs to become professionally trained in all aspects of NYC approved training with the latest and most effective techniques and for people to become certified professional dog trainers. Visit us at or give us a call at 718-454-5800 or 917-318-9845 Phone 718-454-5800 917-318-9845 E-mail info(at) Fax 718-874-6744



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