Good 420 to you buds

reeves place at prospect park southwest _____________________SAFE LOCAL DELIVERY OR PICK UP I deliver to Park Slope Windsor terrace Kensington Bay Ridge Ditmas Park Midwood & local neighborhoods I do not deliver to Williamsburg Bushwick NYC and some neighborhoods (too far too buzzed lol) __________________________PICK UP S AVAILABLE I am an x runner who is trying to build a regular customer base. I want to be the guy next door who helps out This is why my prices are what they are ( I also want to get off CL). I hve used CL B four and the prices are ridic. (competition will probably flag me for this (lol) with every purchase get a sample of a different strain free my choice (lol again) (competition will probably steal this lol yet again) Chem Dawg (the new batch)___1 8------ 60______1 4--------- 110________ ( 10 disc.4 P.U.) ...



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