2003 Hyundai Santa Fe GLS 4WD with Monsoon Stereo

2003 HYUNDAI SANTA FE GLS 4-Wheel Drive Arctic Blue with Gray Interior Sunroof AM FM CASSETTE CD Player MONSOON STEREO SYSTEM Cruise Control Wheel Controls Tilt Wheel Power Door Locks Power Heated Mirrors One Touch Power Windows Rear Ventilation 4-Wheel Independent Suspension V6 Engine with 195 HP Intermittent Wipers Rear Wiper Alloy Wheels Cargo Cover Roof Rack Fog Lights Rear Liftgate 4-Wheel ABS Traction Control Dual Airbags Side Airbags Security System A consumer friendly blend of space comfort and features the Santa Fe is a small SUV with a great price tag Visit our website www.carzoneautos.com for more information and photos on this or any of our other vehicles or call us today for a test drive at 410-358-9663.



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