2011 Chevrolet Silverado 1500

Not going to find to many trucks out there with only 11k miles on them. We have priced this truck to sell... don t miss this truck if you are looking for a nice clean truck. You can find this 2011 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 LS and many others like it at Russell and Smith Ford. Russell and Smith Ford presents this lightly used Carfax One-Owner 2011 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 LS as just one example of our quality pre-owned offerings. No matter the terrain or weather you ll drive at ease in this 4WD-equipped vehicle. With exceptional safety features and superb handling this 4WD was engineered with excellence in mind. With complete records on this pre-owned vehicle you ll have peace of mind and the satisfaction in knowing your new purchase is safe and reliable. If you are looking for a pre-owned vehicle that looks brand-new look no further than this Black Chevrolet Silverado 1500. There are other vehicles and then there is the Silverado 1500 LS. It is one of the most unique vehicles on the market and you would be hard pressed to find another dealer offering something quite like this Chevrolet. More information about the 2011 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 Full-size trucks are used in such a wide range of situations--from construction fleets to long-distance driving--and the two different interiors offered in the Silverado and the nearly identical GMC Sierra help satisfy shoppers better than most other competing models. LS and LT models are probably the best fit for buyers who need the sturdy get-messy capability of a pickup at least some of the time but the LTZ is the choice for those who need a pickup that doesn t compromise luxury. And for those who need a pickup but want to make a greener choice with even lower operating costs the Silverado Hybrid has 25% better fuel economy without sacrificing much towing or hauling ability. This model sets itself apart with Top-notch interiors to suit work or luxury use extensive features and options fuel economy and strong tow ratings Driving Excellence Since 1917



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