Whirlpool 24" Stainless Steel Wall Slide In Oven - WEEKEND S

WEEKEND SPECIAL - I need to make a lot of room by Monday morning so all offers through Sunday night will be looked at in a more favorable manner than usual Brand new in the box is this Whirlpool self cleaning Accubake oven. It was purchased for a remodel and never installed. At the time it cost over 3 000.It looks green in the photo because of the protective solar green wrapping.Reasonable offers will be considered.If you are doing a remodel we can cut you a package deal on the above and the following brand new in the box items accept for the freezer that is used. I will save you thousands of dollars and might be able to help with delivery. Jenn-Air 30 Induction Cook TopWhirlpool 1.5 cu. ft. microwave hoodWhirlpool dishwasher - BlackWizard Citation 19 cu. ft. freezer - This is used and not new in the box like all of the above. Thanks for looking.



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