ASK ABOUT OUR DISCOUNT The new X Pro series is our upgraded prime mini BMX collection designed to take a serious amount of adult sized abuse from front-flips to 540 spins. It comes with 6 Ply tires Cro-Mo 4 piece bars and our alloy top load stem. As the extreme sport progresses we wanted to introduce a upgrade build for those on the next level a longer frame bmx heat-treated bars & a significantly stronger wheel. Our bikes feature a sealed 9 tooth wildcat cassette hub for fast precise and loud engagement. We have the models Black Hawk X (black gold)Bazooka X (red gold)Toma Hawk X (chrome blue)SPECIFICATIONS Frame Hi-Ten Steel Fully Tig-WeldedFork 1 Steel Fork Headset 1 Sealed BearingsSeat Post 25.4 Alloy Seat Post Combo Handle bars 10 Cro-Mo 4 pieceChainring Crank 3 Piece 25TSystem Top LoadWheels 10 Steel 5 Bolt WheelsFreewheel 9T WildcatTires Black 6 Ply 10.5. 4.10Brakes Rear Forged AlloyPedals BMX Flat PedalsABC Bicycles3655 E Main StMesa AZ 85205480-641-2453



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