Look 486 Time Trial Triathlon Bike XL

This sleek full carbon monocoque-framed bike begs to be ridden fast The 486 Frameset was the choice for several Pro Tour teams including Credit Agricole and Kelme. It was ridden to victory in time trials road stages and even on the cobbles of Paris-Roubaix. The frame has a beefy bottom bracket and chain stays for optimum acceleration while the hefty down tube and the HSC five SL fork contribute to precise handling. The seat stays and fork combine to soak up road vibrations for a comfortable ride even if sitting on the saddle all day. Plus the tubes have been shaped and include internal rear brake cable routing to slice through the wind. This bike offers a comfortable wind-cheating frame for time trials or triathlons. Condition Used but well maintained and in excellent working condition. I am the original owner. Specs XL Frame 57 cm although the frame feels big for this size more like a 58 Crankarms are 175 Contents Complete Time Trial bike as pictured....



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