2000 MERCEDES-BENZ ML55 AMG - $11000 (Riverview, MI)

Very well maintained SUV with approximately 105 000 easy miles. This vehicle is fully loaded - V8 (5.5L) engine automatic trans all wheel drive power locks cruise power steering tilt wheel power windows dual & side airbags dual power seats leather seats moon roof privacy glass AM FM Stereo cassette CD Bose premium sound navigation system alloy wheels traction control good tires new brakes roof rack and towing package. We are asking 10 500 for this awesome vehicle however we are negotiable. We admit this vehicle is not perfect but then what used car is. It is pretty close though. Serious buyers only. Thank you everyone for your time and consideration. Call Laura at 505-264-1203 for a look and test drive. You will not be disappointed.



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