2005 Tige 22V Limited ( Only 140 Hours! )

2005 Tige 22V Limited Only 36 500 Trades Welcome Financing Available O.A.C. GM Vortec 5.7L MPI 340hp ( Only 140 Hours ) V-Drive Built in Ballast System Perfect Pass Wakeboard Pro Stereo Upgrade with Amplifier and Subwoofer Tower Speakers Tower Board Racks Bimini Top Custom Storage Cover New 2013 Custom Boatmate Trailer Just Serviced and Lake Ready Sale Price Only 36 500 Trades Welcome Financing Available O.A.C. Germaine Marine 2145 E. Main Street Mesa AZ 85213 480-222-4660 Arizona s Best Boat Sales and Service is at Germaine Marine We service All Makes and All Models We can Fix It



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