MINIBUSES from Bridgend Taxis ltd

Bridgend Taxis ltd 01656 662 om Established in 1980 a small family run Taxi and Minibus company. Short and Long Distance Travel. All our drivers are licensed by Bridgend County Council and CRB checked by South Wales Police. All vehicles are local authority tested at least twice yearly. You can be assured of the highest standards of safety and comfort. Short and Long Distance Travel. Secure and Reliable Service. Independent and family run taxi firm Reliable and friendly Private and business customers Up to 8 Seater Taxis & 16 Seater Buses. Meet and greet service available 7 day operation Outstanding reputation 1 to 8 Seater Taxi Bridgend to Cardiff Airport 60-00 return. Bridgend to Bristol Airport 180-00 return. Bridgend to Birmingham Airport 299-00 return. Bridgend to Heathrow Airport 380-00 return. Bridgend to Gatwick Airport 450-00 return. Porthcawl to Cardiff Airport 80-00 return. Porthcawl to Bristol Airport 199-00 return. Porthcawl to Birmingham Airport 319-00 return. Porthcawl to Heathrow Airport 399-00 return. Porthcawl to Gatwick Airport 469-00 return.



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