1972 Chevrolet Chevelle 22K ORIGINAL SURVIVOR MILES 355

1972 Chevrolet Chevelle 22K ORIGINAL SURVIVOR MILES 355 - 7995 (Valatie NY)1972 Chevrolet Chevellefuel gas title status clean transmission automaticFOR UP-TO-DATE PRICING AND MORE PHOTOS CLICK THIS LINK s www.vanallenautosales.com inventory details 47962799 22K ORIGINAL SURVIVOR MILES Original s Matching V8 Automatic 4 Door Sedan 2 Owners Since New Includes original Factory wheels and Baby moon Hub Caps. Nice Solid Driver Factory Books Keys and More AD CREATED BY AUTOMOTIVE ENHANCEMENT Van Allen Auto Sales Is A FULL Service Center With Over 45 Years Experience In All Aspects Of The Auto Industry All Vehicles Are Inspected And Guaranteed Before delivery. Our Staff Are Each Knowledgeable Car People Ready To Help Make Your Experience With Us A Good One Before and After the sale Call 518 -758-8190



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