38th Avenue Plaza-RESTAURANT SPACE Available-Myrtle Beach SC by

38th Avenue Plaza-RESTAURANT SPACE Available-Myrtle Beach SC by Keystone Commercial RealtyOFFERED FOR LEASE this former restaurant space uniquely located between the busy Retail Community and the Professional Finance District of Oleander Drive Myrtle Beach SC. With high visibility from Highway 17 Bypass property is surrounded by award winning golf courses shopping centers entertainment and Professional Office ParksGENERAL SITE INFORMATION Three (3) Tenant Retail Strip (Dickies BBQ AAA Subject)Approximately 1.27 Acres Outparcel of Food Lion Anchored Center Plantation PointAccessed by Interior Loop Road to Shopping CenterExcellent Visibility from U.S. Highway 17 BypassTraffic Count 39 000 (Bypass 17 North) IMPROVEMENTS End Cap Unit with Approximately 2 925 SF Three Tenant Building with Double StorefrontsBrick & Stucco Finishes with Decorative AwningsOpen Dining Concept with outdoor seatingOutdoor Patio- Dining AreaAsphalt paved parkingTag Restaurant Space Real Estate Commercial Restaurant Space Restaurant Space Restaurant Space Available Restaurant Space For Lease and Rent Restaurant Space for Lease and Rent Available Space For Lease and Rent Building For Lease and Rent Property for Lease and Rent



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