START TO FINISH THE MOVE IS ON US... UNHAPPY IN YOUR CURRENT COMMUNITY LET US HELP YOU WE WILL PAY ALL MOVING EXPENSE TO MOVE YOUR MOBILE HOME TO ONE OF OUR THREE COMMUNITIES LOCATED HERE IN JACKSONVILLE AT NO COST TO YOU. IN ADDITION OUR LOT RENTS ARE THE BEST IN TOWN.. WE HAVE SEVERAL LOTS FOR YOU TO CHOOSE FROM SINGLE LOTS AVAILABLE AND DOUBLE WIDE LOTS ARE LIMITED ONLY A FEW LEFT . DO NOT DELAY AS THESE SPACES WILL NOT LAST LONG OR THIS AMAZING SPECIAL.. Lakeshore Management is a leading owner and operator of manufactured housing communities throughout the USA. We would love for you to become a resident in our community. We have the resources expertise and desire to assist you in deciding your housing needs. Old New homes are ok . Our community has several amenities for you and your family to enjoy. Call today and speak with a LSC representative about moving your home for free terms and conditions apply. Call Laura (at) 336-380-2844 Respond to this Ad Your name Your email Message Sending...



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