3/2 - 1438 sf home in 55+ park -only 7 years old- $400/mo. space

Nicest home in the park. 1438 sf with 500 sf covered porch which could be enclosed. Only 500.00 per month includes utilites. Only 20 miles to Malibu along the best scenery in the state. Located just off PCH and Pleasant Vally Road. Valted ceilings wood floors completly redone inside and out. Fruit trees cobblstone drive and walks landscape lighting and fountain. Oversize perimeter lot facing west for great sunsets. Very private and quite area. Just across from Oxnard College and only 3 miles to the pristine ocean beaches. Washer and dryer in home with cable and phone to every bedroom. Park has rec room nice pool laundry car wash and 40 RV or boat storage for only 25 mo. Also 100 sf storage shop building with electric. Please call Bruce at 310-924-6109 for details.



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