1992 Volvo White GMC Tractor - Sleeper

Great tractor that needs some work to be road ready. Parts alone are worth this price. It has been used in fairly light duty for the last 9 years as a marching band support truck (used only 3 months of the year). Someone could use this truck either for the parts or putting some have it road ready in no time. Here are some highlights - CAT Powered - 3406b - Runs strong no leaks or issues. Well maintained. Engine Oil analysis in July shows excellent health. - Has 5500 Watt Gen Pac Generator (think early APU) for remote power (3cyl Diesel new alternator well maintained and runs excellent.) -all 10 tires currently at 80% or above tread riding on like new Alcoa aluminum 24.5 rims. -the front brakes have new shoes and drums -both mufflers and pipes from the Y back to the mufflers -a rebuilt eaton fuller 13 speed transmission has approximately 15 000 mi. Fluid analysis in July confirms clean bill of health. -the drive line was rebuilt - front differential input yoke and seal - both drive axle torsion bars - air drier replaced - bobtail valve placed - all 4 air suspension bags replaced - 1 cab air bag replaced - left front drive axle brake shoes and seals replaced - New thermostat and all belts on tractor engine-July 2013 See the pics below for more detail. Asking 8000 OBO. Please contact us via email (treasuer at cascadebands.com) ASAP for showing.



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