Invacare Wheelchair - Excellent Condition - WEEKEND SPECIAL

WEEKEND SPECIAL - I need to make a lot of room by Monday morning so all offers through Sunday night will be looked at in a more favorable manner than usual In the photos there is a little dirt as it was pushed through the dirt and dust before getting to where we shot the photos. We dusted it off pretty good but were in a hurry as I have a broken leg and there were a lot of things to get done the day the photos were taken.This thing works excellent and is in excellent condition. Fairly light weight and easy to fold for transport and quick and easy opening. Photos should tell it all.Thanks for looking and we hope whoever needs it finds a good deal for their handicap needs and we hope they recover well. That is another reason why we didn t jack the price up we are trying to pay it forward while trying to recoup some of our money.



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