Having trouble selling your Fredericksburg home??

Having trouble selling your home Has the For sale sign in front of your house have weeds growing on them Has wasps made homes in your brochure box Here are the five reasons why your home just won t sell 1. Curb Appeal This is very important when trying to make a sale. Buyers are looking for attractiveness of the exterior of a residential property. Curb appeal can be accomplished by any number of methods including the installation of exterior decorations re-painting extensive attention to the landscaping. 2. Staging Home staging is the act of preparing a private residence for sale in the real estate marketplace. The goal of staging is to make a home appealing to the highest number of potential buyers. Staging techniques focus on improving a property s appeal by transforming it into a welcoming attractive product that anyone might want. 3. Professional Quality Photographs It is EXTREMELY important to have professional quality photographs. The right angle of a room house can make or break a potential buyer from being interested in your home. 4. Online Marketing This is also extremely important as it attracts potential buyers to your home. Craigslist ads Flyers of your home & blogs can increase the chance of a buyer wanting to purchase your home. 5. Overpriced Your home may be overpriced compared to the other homes around the same area. Check with the Comparative Market & see if your home is correctly priced to sell. Listing Courtesy Provided by The Tim Crews Team Keller Williams Equal Housing Opportunity Visit our Facebook Page s www.facebook.com timcrewsrealestate



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