2005 Ford Freestar SE

2005 Ford Freestar SE EXTRA CLEAN ONE OWNER There are MiniVans and then there are MiniVans like this marvelous 2005 Ford Freestar SE. 3.9L V6 with Automatic Transmission Dual Captains Dual Climate and Rear Climate Control CD Remote Entry Tow Package Power Windows Locks Cruise and more Louisburg Ford is constantly adding inventory to the already great selection of pre-owned cars and trucks. We set high standards for the quality of pre-owned cars and trucks that we stock. We dont just stock anything All our pre-owned inventory must meet our stringent requirements unlike many dealers. All the pre-owned vehicles have undergone a thorough inspection from our service department before being priced for sale. We have a great selection of value priced Ford factory program vehicles trade-in and Ford Certified pre-owned cars and trucks. Call 1-877-901-4311 and to schedule a test drive We are family owned operated for over 30 years. Located only 15 miles South of Overland Park on 69 Hwy. Big city selection at small town prices



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