Product Demonstrator

We are currently seeking highly driven professionals to be Event Specialists for various retail locations all across North America Event Specialists will be responsible for driving brand awareness and advocacy by working directly with clients consumers and store personnel promoting a variety of products while conducting promotions and services onsite. Event Specialist will work closely with store personnel to build and maintain strong relationships and improve overall client-brand value Event Specialist Responsibilities Event Specialists conducts consumer facing activities Our in-store demonstrators are friendly knowledgeable and represent our clients professionally Sharing information about the products and encouraging sales is a successful trait of an Event Specialist Event Specialists make a significant impact on sales and improve the customers buying experience Having the ability to assist customers based on their individual usage needs and interests will be key for an associate success. Event Specialist Qualifications Must be confident and articulate to speak effectively and informatively with consumers Independent and motivated team player Ability to work part-time retail schedules throughout the week Ability to stand comfortably for up to 8 hours a day Minimal travel required for training or other scheduled events Daily access to a PC computer with Internet email access For immediate consideration please send your resume to Opal.Blake(at) and or apply online at careers



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