1958 Cessna 172 STOL

TT 9792 SMOH 278 0-300D ENGINE D N33120-D-5-D 35 AMP GENERATOR BRACKETT INDUCTION AIR FILTER CLEVELAND WHEELS AND BRAKES DYNON EFIS GARMIN 295 BENDIX KING 97A COM 4-PLACE INTERCOM TRANSPONDER MODE C PANEL MOUNTED REMOTE SWITCH FOR ELT EGT CARB AIR TEMPERATURE ELECTRONIC TACHOMETER STROBE ACS CONTROL YOKES HORTON STOL A FORM 337 SHOWS REPAIR TO RIGHT REAR SPAR IN 1961 No other damage. Always hangared always preheated flies regularly takeoff and landing performance superior propeller pitched for climb runs great vital signs excellent. Annual due January 2014. Complete logs & clear title. We have owned and cared for this aircraft for 20 years.



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