2013 Ford Expedition Limited

Why Rivertown Ford Why Now Rivertown has a buying experience that is totally transparent. NO fine print and NO surprises . Our 599 dealer fee is even included in our already reduced and incredibly low Value Price All of this is paired with an award winning service department and an overall customer satisfaction record that speaks for itself. If that isnt enough to convince you just check out these prices Nobody does more for our Military Nobody cares more for our customers and NOOOOOOBODY Beats a Rivertown Ford Deal Why gamble on purchasing a pre-owned vehicle when you can get a CARFAX Buyback Guarantee for free from Rivertown Ford. Sure every Certified Pre-Owned Ford is rigorously inspected. However a Certified Pre-Owned Ford Expedition 2WD 4dr Limited from Rivertown Ford offers complete peace of mind. This SUV is a great example of beauty and brawn with classic styling and a workhorse power plant. With amenities and luxuries befitting a modern day king this splendorous coach reigns supreme. More information about the 2013 Ford Expedition The Expedition is Ford s largest full-size SUV. It stands out for its combination of smooth ride and quiet interior comfort with full-size-truck hauling ability. The Expedition s 9 200-pound tow capacity is the best in its class. This model sets itself apart with Smooth ride and interior comfort excellent towing capability spacious third-row available and 5-star safety ratings Visit www.rivertownford.com today NOOOOO Body Beats a Rivertown Ford Deal



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