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Ok Here we go.. Since I am serious about what I desire I feel like now would be the greatest time to say what I truly need if this is you then we should work it out.. . they are synonymous to my style with the hats... here s is a list that gets to the point... I find myself attracted to Striking Honesty Christian Consistent Non smoker Articulate Romantic Loving Kind Caring Affectionate Doting Loves big Loves hard Cultured Emotionally generous Enjoys a verbose companion A woman who wants an affectionate partner There is something precious about sharing yourself with someone walking aimlessly around a park laughing and enjoying each moment that makes the chore of dating searching for your needle in the hay stack all worth it I couldn t describe myself any better than by saying that I have a very positive outlook on life and I am full of energy. I am not happy with where I live where I work. though i make the best of it.. I couldn t be happier with the friends family that I spend my time with. I never leave home without a smile and I try to smile all day. I laugh oftentimes I laugh at things so silly that my friends can t help but laugh with me (if not at me). Hopefully you like to have fun and laugh My loyalty is stedfast and unwithering and I expect the same. I love cheering for my partner at home brainstorming innovating concepts. As a huge fan of 3 day get-a-ways I m always ready to go and will pack in 15 minutes. The best thing about me is my personality. I m dedicated reliable trustworthy true to form and 9 10 times we will do what you want. I enjoy dates arrangements. I am at the point in my life where when I look back on everything I have experienced and everything that I hope to accomplish I realize that I have a lot to give and would love nothing more than to share it with someone special with similar desires. I am looking for someone that has a robust sense of humor consistent able to see the joy in any situation. Someone who is quick to appreciate slow to criticize non-judgemental is willing to try new things and is never content with complacency. If you are serious about meeting an awesome partner we share fundamental beliefs high fidelity people often tell you you re a really nice lady - send me your fb and cell . If not all the best.



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