2006 Chrysler Town and Country Touring

This vehicle is loaded and is a very nice van. It has dual power seats heated seats leather seats quad captains chairs dual power sliding doors and a factory DVD player. It has been fully serviced and is ready to hit the road. The transmission is automatic and the engine is a 3.8L V6. Alloy Wheels AM FM Radio CD Player Cruise Control Driver-Side Airbag DVD Player Heated Seats Leather Interior Luggage Rack New Tires Passenger-Side AirBag Power Locks Power Mirrors Power Seats Power Windows Rear Air Conditioning Rear Window Defroster Remote Keyless Entry Tilt Wheel Air conditioning Power steering Power windows Tilt steering wheel Drive type front-wheel Engine liters 3.8 Cylinder configuration V-6 Transmission 4 speed automatic AM FM radio ABS brakes Engine displacement 3.8 L Wheel size 16 Wheelbase 3030mm (119.3 ) GVWR 2540kg (5600lbs) Towing capacity 1678kg (3700lbs) To speak with one of our sales professionals regarding more information about this vehicle and or to schedule a test drive call us at 256-586-8444.



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