Fun and outgoing guy seeking adventuress and honest Caucasian wo

Hello how are you doing today I m Comer and would like to tell you about myself. For starters I m a Florida native born and raised on St. Pete beach so my second home is outdoors. I love to canoe kayak fish go boating go on sunset cruises stroll the beach in the evening go sailing for the day swim snorkel free dive explore new places eat at waterfront restaurants go to museums check out art shows BBQ S time with close family friends go to the boat races on Clearwater beach every year walk the local nature trails see historical places go on road trips cruises travel in general Florida state fair Strawberry festival landscaping gardening going to church every Sunday ghost tours every once in a while head out to a beach bar listen to live music camping hiking watching thunderstorms snuggling while watching a movie with someone special affection going to coffee shops Heritage village Johns pass FT. Desoto botanical gardens Tarpon Springs concerts which I ve been to over 80 in the last 25 years and much more. I m one of the most honest loyal trustworthy old fashioned one woman men you will ever meet so I hope you ll take a closer look at my add and not pass me bye. I own my own home keep a clean house cook pretty well am financially responsible have no criminal background no children but don t mind if you do never married am totally open with my feelings and emotions have no skeletons in my closet and miss the companionship that goes along with having a significant other in my life. If you think I m the guy you are looking for then please send me an email so we can cover some ground.



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