Reliable Pet Sitting

In need of a pet sitter Look no further Hey I m Ashley I have been raised around all kinds of animals as a kid and as an adult I ve always had a small farm ) I know how hard it is to find someone who truly cares about your pets as much as you do. Whether you re looking for a 1 time visit or if you re in need for a daily pet sitter I m your women In addition to cats and dogs (both small and large breeds) I have had Chinchillas hedgehogs Birds Rats Ferrets Hermit crabs Turtles fish sugar gliders and even Prairie dogs The only animal I won t directly deal with is snakes or spiders. Contact me today and we can set up an appointment for me to meet your fur (or feather) babies and discuses your needs. I can also do house sitting if need be. Water plants bring in mail exc. I live in Sparrows Point so areas serviced are Baltimore. Dundalk Sparrows Point White Marsh Essex Middle River. Other areas possible for a slight gas fee. Send me an e-mail here or my cell is 443-823-1798. You can call or text me. If I don t answer Please leave me a message and I ll get back to you as soon as I can. I look forward to working with you -AshleyDon t forget to like us on facebook ashleypetsittingservices



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