joiner and work bench, shop fan, bandsaw, Craftsman

Craftsman 6 in joiner. Works perfect. Can demonstrate for you. 150.00 Work bench on casters with pegboard backing and wired with light and plug ins. 36in top work surface by 36in wide. Locking casters. 40.00 Craftsman 12in band saw with extra blades. Works perfect. Can demonstrate for you. 150.00 Big shop fan. Attic type fan in box. Fan is 31in diameter and box is 36 by 36 . Moves a lot of air. 120 v. 100.00 Bolens 24in tiller used 3 times excellent like new condition. 225.00 I am looking for a good heavy duty wood lathe and a late model Craftsman lawn vacumm. Will pay cash or work a partial trade for any thing of mine you might want. I am in Wichita East side and the number is. Do not text. Give me a call and I will try to answer your questions. Thanks Jim key words shop tools Sears Craftsman lathe joiner bandsaw wood work tiller yard vac leaf vac ...



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