VIGO VG09005108LHK 44 Inch Single Bathroom Vanity with Mirror an

Get people talking with this exquisite VIGO bathroom vanity. No other brand can match VIGO s style quality and design. Features one single door with a storage compartment and one large sliding drawer. Both drawer and door are made with soft closing hardware Cabinet is made of quality constructed engineered wood with wood veneers in a walnut finish which consists of an anti-scratch paint surface for enhanced durability and frequent use Vanity is fabricated for wall mount installation with all mounting hardware included Includes a white recessed ceramic sink and a white man-made marble countertop with a single hole for a faucet. This cabinet is shipped assembled Solid brass chrome-plated drain assembly included Cabinet measures 18 1 2 H x 44 W x 22 1 8 D Contains a mirror with two integrated shelves Integrated mirror and shelves dimensions 21 3 4 H x 43 1 4 W 5 Year Limited Warranty See more at vigo-vg09005108lhk-44-inch-single-bathroom-va nity-with-mirror-and-shelves-4250.html sthash.h270ocQF.dpuf



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