CoLT-250+ ADSL2+ with Nylon zippered Carrying case

CoLT-250 is a fast reliable test set for verifying that ADSL2 ADSL2 RE-ADSL and ADSL services can be properly delivered from the central office to the subscriber. The CoLT-250 also verifies that the local loop can carry the promised service and provides upstream and downstream connect rates and other parameters. This data gathered by the CoLT-250 can easily be printed saved or downloaded to a PC. Optimize the local loop The CoLT-250 confirms that the local loop can support the promised rate of DSL service. If the wiring does not support the promised rate or cannot deliver any service at all the CoLT-250 can be used to test at various points back through the network to hunt for the signal and track its degradation. The CoLT-250 is easy to carry from point to point battery powered highly portable and designed for indoor and outdoor use. Works with the DSLAM The CoLT-250 utilizes an actual ADSL2 modem inside. This means that the CoLT-250 works with the latest DSLAM s giving upstream downstream connection information identical to that provided by the ATU-C s installed in the DSLAM s. Loop plant records and automated test systems can pre-qualify a loop but are unable to predict with 100% certainty the level of DSL service that is delivered. Automated test systems that depend on narrowband measurements cannot give a true picture of wideband loop quality. The CoLT-250 displays the actual connection rates as a subscriber would see them.



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