$1000 Room For Rent in a very nice upscale Apt Complex

Hello My husband and I have an extra room with its own bathroom available We are looking for a single professional or a couple would be fine too. Whoever it is they have to be comfortable living with us. We already have a cat and a dog so no more pets please sorry We live on Arundel Mills Bvld. Seconds from 295 Arundel mills mall and the Casino ANd only minutes from the Columbia area. We live in a gated community wit garage parking if wanted. We are a very funny easy going couple. My husband works a lot and very long hours you will hardly see him because since he works so much and gets off late he likes to come home and relax in the bedroom so you wont even know he s here so its mainly me you would see and I m very easy going to get along with and I love to talk. I work also and I m mostly home between 5-6. We are asking for 1 000 in rent and that would include everything but if you want to park in the garage since I have to get parking passes for that it would be an extra 25 for that. Also a 500 security deposit. But BGE cable internet and water are all included. We have a full size washer and dryer in our apt We are looking for someone thats clean and cleans uo after themselves I dont care how you keep your room thats your own personal space But the common areas we need to all work together to make sure they stay clean you can email me if interested or text my cell phone 443-928-1279



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