Painted Industrial Saw Blades for $40 each

Up for sale are four (4) painted industrial saw blades that once belonged to my late grandfather. My grandfather had a pair of these blades attached to the sides of each of his 1-ton tree service trucks. Each blade is about 2 in diameter - I will measure them and update this ad accordingly with the exact measurement. My grandfather hired an artist to paint these saw blades for his truck many years ago. These are now weathered somewhat with the passage of time especially the two on the right hand side. The two blades on the left hand side have BOTH sides painted. The two blades on the right only have one side painted and they re very weathered. I have the individual pictures in order starting from left to right as shown in the group picture with the last two photos being Side 2 of the two blades on the left. These blades are very heavy and still sharp My asking price of 40 (cash) for each is firm. These saw blades are at a nearby storage facility and pickup would have to occur between 7AM-8 30PM (before the gates are locked for the night at 9PM). If interested please call me at 856-767-8795 to schedule an appointment to meet at Berlin s Public Storage. I expect to be in and out all day so please leave message and I ll get back to you. If you prefer to send an e-mail please put Saw Blades in subject line so I know it s not Spam otherwise your inquiry will go unanswered. Also I will update modify the quantity available in my ad as each saw blade are sold.



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