Executive Account Manager-Immediate Opening!

VISIT US HERE International Consulting Group Inc is currently hiring for an Account Executive position The ideal candidate should possess the following qualities Excellent verbal and written communication skills Willingness to learn Desire to achieve and drive to excel Self motivated with a persistent work ethic Ability to multitask and stay organized while learning new information about our customers and their industries Posses the ability to maintain a positive attitude No prior marketing or sales experience is necessary and we train our team to learn a variety of skills from sales and human resources to management and mentor-ship. We are looking for candidates that may be new to the workforce or who have work experience but are willing to start from the bottom up in order to learn the complexities and opportunities within a new industry. Internships are also available for qualified students. We provide EXTRAORDINARY BENEFITS which include the following NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED Perfect first career. We will train our future managers 100% in areas of marketing sales leadership team management and recruiting -- just to name a few. COMPETITIVE COMPENSATION This includes weekly and quarterly bonuses and paid training UPBEAT WORK ENVIRONMENT If you don t like to have fun while you work this is not the place for you. We are not your typical 9-5 desk job in an over-air-conditioned boring office We are enthusiastic about our opportunity and choose to enjoy the ride to the top. FAMILY-LIKE ATMOSPHERE Our focus on personal mentor-ship and teamwork promotes a positive environment fueled by teamwork and genuine relationships. FUN COMPANY EVENTS National Award Conference R& R Weekend Keys to Success Team Nights Community Service Events and more Responsibilities in Entry Level Include Assisting in the daily growth and development of our company Assisting with efforts of new business acquisition Customer retention and acquisition for a telecommunications client Overseeing a team Expertly managing the needs of external customers Developing strong leadership and interpersonal skills Requirements The ideal candidate must demonstrate the following qualifications and qualities Minimum of an Associates degree or equivalent experience Great interpersonal skills a sense of humor and social competency Professional demeanor Effective and skillful communication skills Ambition a strong work ethic and an earnest willingness to learn Self-motivated desire to advance Flexibility and the ability to excel in a high-energy fast-paced environment Ability to effectively collaborate and work in a team-based environment APPLY HERE



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