Need a better creative space than Starbucks

Calling ALL Creative people who need an affordable co-op office workspace in Studio City.If you like the idea of working in an open office space with other creatives instead of a crowded Starbucks - send us a note about your professional background.We have a recently renovated office that currently houses a remote pet & house sitting service a documentary film production and a comedy writer. Our office is conveniently located at Ventura and Vineland next door to many restaurants and across the street from 7-11 and the Studio City Plaza (Starbucks Ralphs etc.) We are also walking distance from the Metro Station at Universal Studios City Walk.We are offering month to month desk rentals perfect for filmmakers web designers social media marketers writers editors creatives small early-stage startups or professionals who need a nice workspace outside of the home.The office is available for use 7 days a week from 6am to 10pm.Amenities include wifi utilities 24 7 surveillance men s and women s bathrooms A C and a super cool location with super cool creative people. 285 per person per month --- Hurry Desks are booking up fast.



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