Science for Toddlers BEGUR

Check out the cool experiments and discover a fun way to escape the heat. Introduce your ever curious child to science this year Make their first memories of Science fun and meaningful with these engaging Science activities. Also they are introduced to various concepts of Science with Fun Filled Activities and Take home Project Each Day. This would help them to improve their Motor Skills Creativity Concentration and Coordination. Eligibility Age- 4 to 6 years Price -2100 -For More info contact Shilpa.B.K8197089425 Location BangaloreBanashankari Electroniccity HSRLayout Indiranagar Jayanagar JPNagar Koramangala Malleshwaram Marathalli Rajajinagar Rajarajeshwarinagar Sahakarnagar Vidyaranyapura Vijayanagar Whitefeild Yelhanka Basvanagudi BTMlayout Sahakarnagar Bashweshwaranagar BTMLayout Katriguppe Kodlu Nagarabhavi MysoreGokulum Mysore Saraswatipuram Siddarthalayout VV-Mohalla Sciencesummercamp Summercamp2018 kids GyanPro STEM Handson Activitybased scienceworkshop kidsworkshop kidscamp kidssummeractivities innovativesummercamp uniquesummercamp 3dprintingworkshop amateurscientist csi sciencefortoddler aeromodelling robotics electronics summerworkshop scienceexpedition scienceshow summerdaycamp homeschooling cbse icse igcse scienceprojects Tinkeringlab



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