Community Response in Times of Disaster

Join the Stakeholders for a one-of-a-kind program featuring Key Note Speaker Kellie Bentz Team Leader of the Target Corporation Corporate Command Center who will speak about Best Practices for Disaster Volunteerism and Corporate Response to Disasters. This program is for anyone interested in Disaster Service Volunteerism Corporate Volunteer Program staff and executives anyone who works for a Voluntary Organization Aiding in times of Disaster (VOAD) and Government Officials. Join us and Leaern more about how you can serve your community is Disaser Preparedness Response and Recovery roles. Kellie Bentz Kellie started her career in crisis management with HandsOn Network in New Orleans following Hurricane Katrina. In New Orleans Kellie started a disaster relief operation housing 100 volunteers per night helping to rebuild homes and lives following the devastating Hurricanes in 2005....



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