Sweet Cheeks Cabaret Presents: Destination Love!

Love is in the air Bring your favorite valentine to this cheeky and saucy show. Sweet Cheeks Cabaret presents Destination Love a vintage dating game show and tribute to love before the internet (cabaret style) Come dressed in your favorite vintage wear for a chance to win best costume Enjoy live cabaret dance jazz & vocals and fun prizes (including best costume) in this game show themed performance FEATURING Performances by Sweet Cheeks Cabaret Dancers Violet Lee Vamp Lady Duchess Lusty Lotus Velvet Allure Bubble Snap Pandora LaPush Turkish Delight The Stallion Live Music with Monica & The Menage a Trois And our Host Rick Ruiz __________________________________________ 2 Nights February sixth & seventh (at) 7 00pm (doors open at 6 30pm) General Seating 12 Advance 17 Door Reserved Seating 25 Advance 30 Door Located at Tap Root Cafe 3300 Spenard Road Anchorage Photography by Gutierrez Photography Thank you to our generous sponsors Tap Root Cafe...



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