28 Dutchmen 1998 5th Wheel

Great condition maintenance kept up Door entrance in middle to a spacious living area with rear kitchen. Super large slide out makes the living area seem so spacious and home like. Soft blue carpet and color scheme. Couch and kitch table pull out to 2 beds. Appliances and air all work. Lots of windows provide lighthing and a nice breeze on a hot day. 3 Super Max vents in ceiling allow vents to be open even in the rain. Shower and tub offers both luxuries. 2 steps up to nice private bedroom area over the hitch. Bike rack at back. Sleeps 6 comfortably. Only 2 owners. Only selling because kids are teenagers and too busy to camp. A cintch to hook up and a dream to haul. Both electric and manual levelers. To view call 604.854.6749. Please leave a message if no answer. 6 000.00



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