19 Foot Center Console Ranger

Fishing fun and fast 55 mph at top speed. Clean boat clean title Clean fuel tank clean motor-Johnson Evinrude 150. Steel shaft trolling Motor too. Flats-Sandbars-Awesome power for inlets. Stainless prop. Canvas Cover Full Guages. Windshield Bimini Top Tilt Trim is perfect-Runs in 1.5 feet depth. Smooth Steering. Smooth shifting. Water Separator-new plugs yearly-newFuel lines yearly. Guages Fish Finder Depth Finder Anchor 2 Batteries 2 Bilge Pumps New 2011 two axle Trailer fully lit. Great Tires. Live well. Tons of Storage. 9 Rod Holders. 5 Life Jackets. 2 Extra Fighting Chairs. Fire Extinguisher. Bumpers. Brand new Radio 3 gallons oil and 2 quarts of Startron. Flawless performence.



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