2002 Custom Built Motorcycles Chopper

2002 custom built chopper. You can t tell by looking that it isn t a 2012 chopper it is that immaculate. This bike when originally built had 48 000 in parts. It has always been garage kept and seldom ridden. The bike was taken to Sturgis but it was trailered so it has very low miles. It has brand new Avon Venom tires front and back. The old tires were not worn just a few weather cracks from sitting so they were replaced. 117 S& S motor. The bike has a custom candy paint job with pearl white base candy orange with leopard detail candy blue with zebra detail and candy green with alligator detail. Paint scheme was finished with barbed wire airbrush to contain the wildness of the paint job The bike has an Amen chassis with 250 rear tire 5 inch stretch 43 degree rake S& S 117 Super Sidewinder V-Twin engine 6 speed transmission custom made wheels Legend Air Ride Primo 3 inch primary drive system. Custom exhaust is ceramic coated (no discoloration). All parts are from the best manufacturers and are chrome or billet. Handlebars are 10 Outlawz mini apes. THIS BIKE TURNS HEADS This bike has NO LEAKS. S& S engine cranks first hit of the button. Please message me with further questions MULLENAX.PETTENGILL(at)live.com



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