Kraus FVS-1800CH Decus Bathroom Vessel Sink Faucet Chrome- 15 In

Add a touch of elegance to your bathroom with a vessel sink faucet from Kraus Kraus Decus single-hole faucet features eye-catching design fused with unsurpassed quality Installing Kraus faucet is an ideal home improvement project Faucet is constructed from solid brass Chrome finish High-quality ceramic cartridge Single-hole top-mount installation Single lever water and temperature control Standard US plumbing connections All mounting hardware and hot cold waterlines are included Faucet height (overall) 14.8 inches Spout height 9.1 inches Spout reach 4.9 inches ADA compliant Manufactured by Kraus 5 Years Limited Manufacturer Warranty Shipping Leaves our warehouse in 1-3 business days kraus-fvs-1800ch-decus-bathroom-vessel-sink-f aucet-chrome-15-inch-4291.html



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