tool box and all tools

Price lowered. I am selling my toolbox and all the tools in it. I am moving and am unable to bring them with me. I have over 11 000 invested in this set. The toolbox is a Jesse James special edition MAC box with top cabinet and stainless steel work surface. It is number 1 of 250 in the series. It is an 11 drawer box with locking casters. Top cabinet has a pegboard in the back and holes to allow power to be run inside the box. Majority of the tools are Snap-on and blue point. there is a master torx bit set Blue Point digital air chuck master cam and crank seal installer universal serpentine belt tool timing light and Irwin bolt extractor set a Snap On snap ring plier set and an adapter set for a brake system bleeder Also have Snap-on 3 8 electric impact wrench with charger two batteries and case Streamlight Stinger LED flashlight with two batteries and charger Pressure tank for brake system pressure bleeder Coolant system filling funnel and adapters Coolant system pressure tester LED UV light charger and goggles for A C leak detection Skill 18v electric drill with battery carrying case and charger This is a great set for a starting mechanic call or text 8 three 1 three 5 9 nine 8 07 for more pictures or Info (not all tools are shown in the images)



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