Corporate Paralegal

Corporate Legal Assistant The candidate provides assistance to lawyers by researching law investigating facts preparing and organizing documents. Organizes business entities of all types checks availability of and reserves corporate names prepares and files certificates of incorporation merger dissolution and related documents. Prepares incorporator actions by-laws stock certificates stock ledgers organizational board and shareholder resolutions and related applications filings and documentation. Maintains organizes and updates corporate record books prepares stock certificates and effects transfers of stock prepares and files annual reports for states of incorporation or qualification and obtains necessary signatures and maintains and updates database for corporate capitalization records. Prepares UCC financing statements and collateral descriptions and amendments. Revises summarizes outlines edits abstracts redlines and compares legal documents as required provides assistance with transactional closings and prepares bound and electronic volumes of closing documents. Assists with corporate due diligence. Prepares organizes and updates transaction files. Orders documents from government agencies private document retrieval companies and internal sources as appropriate. Prepares and updates working group lists and updates timetables and checklists prepares correspondence and drafts of documents for comment. Researches state and federal securities compliance ( Blue Sky ) rules and regulations drafts and files notice requirements. Performs searches on Lexis Nexis and other databases. Preparing witness files and assembling documents for use at deposition. Creating deposition abstracts and digests maintaining deposition databases coordinating court reporting and videographer resources. Preparing and maintaining witness files exhibit repositories and errata sheets. Preparing for and attending court trials and or arbitrations and handling all duties associated with a trial such as preparing witness binders preparing and tracking exhibits contacting clients and witnesses scheduling court reporters etc. Cite-checking blue-booking and proofreading briefs. Preparing privilege production and other logs as needed. Coordinate Filing documents electronically with the courts. Performs other miscellaneous projects and tasks as requested by attorneys Office Manager or Legal Assistant Manager. Performs other work-related duties as may be assigned. Should have a Bachelor s degree (B.S. or B.A.) or equivalent from four-year program at accredited college or university. Graduation and Certificate from ABA approved legal assistant training program or the equivalent with a specialty in Corporations and Securities essential. Deadline 6 December 2013



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