New Construction Single Family Homes

The Sorrento packs a lot of amenities into an efficient plan that never feels small. Eight foot ceilings are on all floors. The open floor plan on the first floor boasts a Living Room that flows into the Dining Room set off by the optional 3-sided gas fireplace. The Kitchen is surprisingly roomy and features a pantry. A first floor Laundry large coat closet and Powder Room are located off the Mud Room between the One Car Garage and the Kitchen. On the 2nd floor are three spacious bedrooms two of which have walk-in closets. There is one Bathroom standard with an optional dual vanity or choose to have a separate Hall and Owner s Bath. The Owner s Bath features an optional dual vanity its own linen closet and a compartmentalized tub and toilet. Downstairs is an option for a finished basement and a second or third full bath. The Sorrento features traditional elevations including one with a porch. Many options available add a Morning Room Fireplace finished basement etc. also choose your own colors & upgrades.



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