North Creek Apartment Homes

Swing by the local diner for fresh pecan waffles or bicycle through the green hills of Camenisch Park when you live at North Creek. This suburban apartment community is located in a peaceful residential neighborhood of Adams County one block away from Thornton Parkway. Known for its expansive private patios and adjacent walking trails residents of North Creek can choose from a collection of six unique models available in one and two bedroom floor plans. Each spacious apartment in the community opens up with an inviting selection of features that include plush wall-to-wall carpeting as well as nine-foot ceilings and even a fireplace in select models. Head to the kitchen and spot the sleek black appliance package and chic wood cabinets. Additional apartment features include in-home washers and dryers private patios and walk-in closets. After your apartment tour make your way outside and preview the on-site amenities. North Creek residents can unwind in the remodeled clubhouse break a sweat in the on-site fitness center or warm up with a soothing dip in the hot tub. Take the next step toward comfortable apartment living when you rent at North Creek in Thornton.Take the next step toward comfortable apartment living when you rent at North Creek in Thornton.(720) 540-7737 700 W 91st Ave. Thornton CO 80260



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