Linc245 Apartments

Welcome to Linc245 Apartments Located in a vibrant corner of SW Downtown Portland linc245 is surrounded by public areas and tree-lined pedestrian malls yet connected to public transportation shops restaurants and a multitude of cultural activities .many of them at beautiful nearby Tom McCall Waterfront Park. With a neighborhood unmatched by any other in downtown a myriad of floorplan options available and a long list of amenities it s easy to see why so many people call linc245 home. You find yourself staring again that mesmerizing view of the Willamette River stretching from the Marquam to the Hawthorne Bridge and beyond. Mt. Hood reflecting the color of the evening back to you. And you realize you are home in your living room.....linc245 offers many living options not otherwise found in our neighborhood. Come tour with us and find yourself pausing beckoned by the view (855) 856-9960 245 SW Lincoln St. Portland OR 97201



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