iPhone Programming Demo class on 14th Sept 2013

Hi Greetings from SILVER IT SOLUTIONS - A Global IT Training Institute We are pleased to inform you that we are conducting an iPhone Programming demo class on Saturday i.e. on September 14th 2013 at 11 00 Am. Feel free to attend the session to know more about iPhone Programming and career opportunities. Please confirm your attendance for the DEMO class by calling the below phone numbers or responding to this email. Contact Persons Pooja Singh (at) 040- 65262626 mobile 91 8801234353 E-Mail training.silverit(at)gmail.com Reach us (at) Silver IT Solutions 3rd Floor Devi Complex Beside Chandana Brothers Lane Opp. Narayana Junior College Dilsukh Nagar Hyderabad 500060. Facebook s www.facebook.com silveritsolutionz Twitter s twitter.com silveritsol



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