AMSOIL First in synthetics help your business grow

If you own your own store hardware or oil change lube shop you may be interested in carrying The Amsoil product line. Many people are looking for Amsoil and many are having a hard time finding it locally. They either want to purchase it or in many cases having it installed for them. It cannot be sold by large chain stores. It s simple. Go to stephensoil then go to Online Store You will find a gold mine of information there such as the My Amsoil Garage and the product line. Look for the ROTS (retail on the shelf) info . You can request a packet or I can send you one. Fill it out place an order and fill out the line of credit form if you wish. Remember you can place an order for as little or as much as you need. No order too small and there is no minimum order. If You order from my web site I will help out with getting you customers and brochures etc You will have Happy Return Customers Thanks Steve 607 237-5239 stephensoil



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